

  • AppResources.resx:標準語系
  • AppResources.fr.resx - French language translations.
  • AppResources.es.resx - Spanish language translations.
  • AppResources.de.resx - German language translations.
  • AppResources.ja.resx - Japanese language translations.
  • AppResources.zh-Hans.resx - Chinese (Simplified) language translations.
  • AppResources.zh-Hant.resx - Chinese (Traditional) language translations.
  • AppResources.pt.resx - Portuguese language translations.
  • AppResources.pt-BR.resx - Brazilian Portuguese language translations.

    其他語言簡碼說明 (Ref)


  • 在Andorid 的環境可能無法做debug,解法為 Options > Build > Android Build and ensure that the Fast assembly deployment is NOT ticked.
  • 在確認在PCL的AssemblyInfo.cs有 [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")],定義預設的語系

官方文件 (ref) 範例(1);範例(2) ; Xamarin Help (3)

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