

  • Programming language: C#—”anything you can do in Objective-C, Swift and Java you can do with C# in Xamarin.”
  • Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows
  • Open-source
  • Xamarin TestCloud: TestCloud allows you to run automated testing on your apps on over 2,000 devices, and build, test and monitor your app in the cloud after development.
  • HockeyApp: Xamarin’s mobile DevOps support, which allows you to distribute beta versions, collect live crash reports, get feedback from real users and analyze test coverage.
  • Xamarin.Forms library: This is how the native UIs are created and rendered using native controls of each platform.
  • Design patterns supported: MVC (Model View Controller), MVVM (Model View ViewModel)
  • Companies using Xamarin: Slack, GitHub, Foursquare, jetBlue

useful resources

  1. https://www.upwork.com/hiring/mobile/native-vs-xamarin-cross-platform-mobile-apps/

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